Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The aim of the Webinar is to showcase the global hydro power and electricity demand indicators that the C3S Global Energy Climate service is producing, including their modelling. The Webinar will be chaired by Prof Alberto Troccoli (co-founder & CEO of ICS), with contributions from major experts in the energy and climate sectors. As a key-stakeholder, opinions and expertise will be crucial to the discussion. Through questions & answers, every participant will have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the C3S Global Energy Climate service.

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Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The aim of the Webinar is to showcase the global wind and solar energy indicators that the C3S Global Energy Climate service is producing, including their modelling. The Webinar will be chaired by Prof Alberto Troccoli (co-founder & CEO of ICS), with contributions from major experts in the energy and climate sectors. As a key-stakeholder, opinions and expertise will be crucial to the discussion. Through questions & answers, every participant will have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the C3S Global Energy Climate service.

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Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The aim of this Webinar was to showcase the global climate products that the C3S Global Energy Climate service  is producing, including their processing: bias adjustment, wind speed scaling, temporal downscaling, exclusion layers and spatial aggregation. The Webinar was chaired by Dr Alberto Troccoli (Founder & CEO of ICS), with contributions from major experts in the energy and climate sectors. As a key-stakeholder, opinions and expertise were crucial to the discussion. 

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Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The aim of the Seminar is being to gather information to improve the underlying energy data and the catalogue of energy indicators that the C3S Global Energy Climate service is producing. The Seminar has been chaired by Dr Alberto Troccoli (Founder & CEO of ICS), with contributions from major experts in the energy and climate sectors

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Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Inside Climate Service supports the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) in organizing The International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM).

ICEM 2023 is back for its 7th edition in 2023 with the theme: Towards climate-resilient energy systems. The event was held in person on 27th – 29th June for three full days of plenary sessions, parallel sessions, poster sessions, workshop-type discussions, panel discussions, networking, and more in a relaxed and educational environment. 

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Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

The workshop has been chaired by Dr Alberto Troccoli (Founder & CEO of ICS), with contributions from Dr. Chiara Cagnazzo (C3S Sectoral Information System Manager, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), Dr Mattia Zaramella (CFO ICS), and Dr. Laurent Dubus (Senior Scientist, RTE, and Founder & Non-Executive Director, World Energy & Meteorology Council). The C3S Energy service is developed in partnership with the lead contractor Inside Climate Service S.r.l. (ICS), and subcontractors CNRS, ARMINES, EDF, EVEROZE, and ENEL, with input from energy sector stakeholders.

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Settimana della Sostenibilità

Dr Mattia Zaramella presents Inside Climate Service within the Settimana della Sostenibilità organized by Confindustria Veneto Est. We are waiting for you Wednesday, May 17th from 11:30 to 12:30 at the headquarters of Le Village by CA Triveneto (Piazza Giacomo Zanellato 23) in Padua.

Link to the event
