We Provide Climate Services

To Accelerate Your Business Decisions

Who we are

Inside Climate Service helps your business to understand the impact of the changing climate and to enhance your management and planning decisions

We predict future performance based on best quality historical analysis, seasonal climate forecasts and projection data, supported by our strong, international and long-standing scientific expertise

How we can help your business

We care about your business. Inside Climate Service uses the most accurate climate data to predict how climate impacts your business and to improve its performance

We help strengthen your business resilience, in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

We work with industry


Projections of solar, hydro and wind power to improve production estimation.

Historical and future climate to better plan power system vulnerabilities.


Seasonal climate prediction of water availability to better manage resources.

Historical and seasonal climate prediction to prepare for hydro-meteorological hazards and water-related conflicts. 


Analysis of historical events and seasonal predictions to better plan future crops.

Projections of crop production to assist with investment strategies.


Inside Climate Service helps your business to understand the impact of the changing climate.

Based on historical, seasonal prediction and projection climate data, to enhance your management and planning decisions.


Inside Climate Service uses the most accurate climate data to predict how climate impacts your business

We predict future performance based on historical analysis and projection data

Inside Climate Service is a spin-off of the University of Padova and World Energy & Meteorology Council.
The innovative nature of Inside Climate Service stems from a blend of Academia and operational developments.

It builds on the multi-decade experience and know-how developed in the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Padova and at the World Energy & Meteorology Council, also through the support of, and participation in, several world-leading EU projects such as the H2020 The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasting for Integrated Risk Assessment (SECLI-FIRM) and the award-winning Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate and Energy Education Demonstrator and its successor the TEAL tool.

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